We're glad you're here!
At Suburban, it is our desire to partner with parents to help kids learn to love and follow Jesus and to love others in a fun and engaging environment. Our caring volunteers are ready to welcome you and your child.
Our vision is for children to know God loves them, to grow in the knowledge and love of God through the Bible, to care for others in acts of service, and to share Jesus with others.
Our vision is for children to know God loves them, to grow in the knowledge and love of God through the Bible, to care for others in acts of service, and to share Jesus with others.
New to Suburban? Here’s What to Expect on Sunday Morning:
We are glad you are here and want to offer the best experience possible for both you and your child. Please feel welcome to ask any of our staff questions. Click here to pre-register your child, or children for quicker first time check-in.
We are glad you are here and want to offer the best experience possible for both you and your child. Please feel welcome to ask any of our staff questions. Click here to pre-register your child, or children for quicker first time check-in.
Where do I go to find church information and a map?
The Welcome Center, located opposite the main entrance, is staffed each Sunday by volunteers who can share the latest happenings at Suburban and direct you to where you want to go. Let them know you are a visitor; we have an information packet for you.
The Welcome Center, located opposite the main entrance, is staffed each Sunday by volunteers who can share the latest happenings at Suburban and direct you to where you want to go. Let them know you are a visitor; we have an information packet for you.
How and where do I check my child in?
You may check your children in at one of the kiosks located in the hall. A printed name tag sticker will be placed on your child and security tag will be given to you which is required when picking up your child. You can save a few minutes on Sunday morning by pre-registering your children.
You may check your children in at one of the kiosks located in the hall. A printed name tag sticker will be placed on your child and security tag will be given to you which is required when picking up your child. You can save a few minutes on Sunday morning by pre-registering your children.

Sunday Mornings
9:00 am - 10:30 am
10:30 am - 12 pm
Nursery –Room E1:
Infant and toddler class where infants are cuddled and toddlers learn to worship God through finger play, songs, and simple Bible stories.
Infant and toddler class where infants are cuddled and toddlers learn to worship God through finger play, songs, and simple Bible stories.
Preschool - Room E2
Children learn that God cares for them and meets their needs through Bible teaching, singing and fun activities.
Children learn that God cares for them and meets their needs through Bible teaching, singing and fun activities.
Grade K through 5th - Room C5
Our K-5th graders learn how all of the Bible points to God’s plan for salvation through Jesus.
Our K-5th graders learn how all of the Bible points to God’s plan for salvation through Jesus.
ALL IN (disabilities and special assistance ministry):
We welcome all children and do all we can to create an environment that is inviting and inclusive. Volunteers are available as needed to assist children who experience difficulty in a classroom environment. Request assistance for your child here.
We welcome all children and do all we can to create an environment that is inviting and inclusive. Volunteers are available as needed to assist children who experience difficulty in a classroom environment. Request assistance for your child here.
Do you need additional information? Contact us.
Weekdays: CIA Bible Study for Grades 3-5
Kids meet every Tuesday from 6:30-8pm in room C5 during the school year, September-May. As detectives in training, kids will learn inductive study methods to solve the mystery of the Bible. Meetings include dinner and fun activities! Email Dyan@suburbanchurch.com for more info or register your child here.
Serve Suburban Kids!
Join our team of men and women who have said “yes!” to serving kids at Suburban. We will work with you to find a place where you can bless others while also making some great friends along the way. Start here by filling out the serving inquiry. Then you’ll be contacted to talk over a position and schedule that works for you.